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Story of a Healer 



Back in the time of the witch trials they would sometimes burn people whom they believed were witches. This was because they believed the flames would purify them. In reality it killed them and would only make a mess. 

Made with chalk pastel 

Sinking Like a Stone

When they weren't sure if you were a witch or not one of the known was to tell was a sinking test. They would chain a large rock to you're ankle and take you to a deep lake. There they would let both you and the rock sink to the bottom. If you came back up you were a witch if you didn't then you weren't. Either way you were dead. 



Witchhunting 101

Back in the time when the Salem witch triels started there wasn't any doubt that magic could be real. They were also an extremely religous group of people. They had a few known ways to punish and/or descover witches. 

Even if you have been tried you offten will spend a long time in the cells. Here you sit in the dark getting fed every once in a while. You wait for your death. 



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