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Story of a Healer 

 Dear Diary,

     It has been a long time since my conviction. I have been sitting in this damp and dark cell for so long that I can't even remember what sunlight looks like. I miss it so much. I have done nothing worng! Had I only gone to church more or even moved closer to the village. There areso many things I could have done differently to end this nightmare. I can hear the screams of others either being torchered or killed in flames. 

    How can these people who I lived with all my life be so cruel? They forget so quickly how much I have done for them all. Oh woe is me, Alexandra the witch they say! Ha! How many times I have cared for my neighbors and their children. Giving them food when they had none and so many other things. How could they believe I am a witch? Because a sick little girl said so? There are so many other's in here. Even some men are in here, they are taking the hunger badly. Whinning and moaning, I don't believe any of them have been here longer than a few days. Honestly such belly aching when some of us haven't eat in weeks even. 

      It's the thirst that kills all hope. Most have taken to drinking what filfthy water dripps down from the world above. They may have died I am not sure. The women who had been across from me has since died from illness. She hadn't made much noise and I did much enjoy her company. She is still there and the smell has mixed in with all the others that are already down here. Sometimes I still talk to her corpse out of boredom it makes for good noise to drown out the whimpering of the girl in the cell beside mine. 

      I wonder how my daughter is faring. Up t here with her father and three siblings. The twins are probably driving the poor girl crazy with their sword fighting. I do hope that my youngest son is starting to get better. Funny how at I had been hoping to go free. That I would go free and no longer hear the whinning and dying groans of others. No I only wish they would finish my trile so I may see the sun and sky again. I don't want to die down in this dark whole of madness. I want to die where I can see the sun and feel the wind. That is the very best thing I can hope for. 

 Alexandra Murry

Witch's Life

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